Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where are you America?

With a 14.3 trillion dollar debt and America now involved in seven wars--including full-scale occupations or covert campaigns in North Africa/ The Middle East, hundreds of military bases stretched across the world and no end to peace in sight, I ask the question, is America up shit creek without a paddle.

I think so. What better way to destroy a country and it's currency than to continue borrowing money to mire it's military down and destroy our national currency through a series of protracted, unwinnable quagmire wars where the population hates the occupier. And think about it, who would want someone else occupying them? The British and the Soviet Union have already failed in what is known as "the graveyard of empires." There are hundreds of thousands of troops in Afghanistan, but only 50 known members of Al Qaeda according to the CIA's own director, Leon Pannetta. That leaves about 100 soldiers for every one member so called member. Fictitious enemy anyone? Some Americans are starting to wake up to this reality and are figuring out that war is a scheme to make the weapons companies rich, but it is a weak inertia, unlikely to catalyze into any social force significant enough to stop the madness.

Just the other day, the Obama administration backed a bipartisan Senate budget plan to cut tax breaks such as write off deductions for home mortgage interest and employee health insurance. These cuts--however, would be used to lower top individual and corporate tax rates from 35 ro 29 percent. The plan would also "overhaul of Social Security and Medicare." If passed, the bill would save $500 billion dollars and generate over $1 Trillion in revenue.

No cuts are being implemented in the military budget for wars or to reduce the U.S. foriegn presence around the world. Former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who most Americans didn't vote for, and whom many progressive liberals shunned in favor of Obama during the 2008 elections said about our current costly global foriegn committments,

"Get out of Afghanistan, Pakistan, stop being engaged in these criminal wars of aggression, and get out of Iraq, you’ll save another $150 billion. So, there are a lot of ways. Cutting the huge amount of redundancy and waste and out-of-date weapons programs in the Pentagon, again, another one. Bringing back the soldiers from Europe and East Asia, 65 years after World War II. What are they doing? Defending prosperous countries, like England and Germany and Italy and Japan, against what? Inner Mongolia or Moldova?"

According to recent news reports, China already concedes that the U.S. is defaulting on its loans. A new phenomenon is occuring where wealthy businessmen from China and other parts of Asia are already buying up property in the United States.

Millions of Americans are jobless through no fault of their own. In addition, approximately 46 million Americans are now on food stamps. Could food stamps and social security be next on the chopping block as we head into yet another decade long succession of imperialist wars that eventually morph into land invasions in Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Pakistan?

What most people don't realize is that in addition to our foriegn troop presence in Afghanistan/Iraq--which entails hundreds of permanent military bases to gaurd the oil for the multinational corporations and future war usage, the special operations(JSOC)troops are already conducting night raids and killing civilians in Yemen and Pakistan to supplement the deadly drone assassanation program.

All of this money is, of course, being sucked out of the domestic economy while American workers desperately need jobs, the funds for which are sent to the imperial standing armies now occupying the Middle East, North Africa and 75 addition countries where special operations assassanation teams are located.

Former National Security Advisor Zbegnew Brzenzski acknowledged on MSNBC a few weeks back that the potential consequences of a failing economy could ignite a sense of fury in an increasingly marginalized public who feels abandoned by the politicians and the society at large.

"If America were really expanding economically--becoming more productive, more wealthy, more innovative, that kind of disparity would become more or less pallatable," Brezenski said. "But when you have stagnation and have a rather severe case of unemployment, the sense of social injustice can be terribly demoralizing and politically in the long run very dangerous. It can politicize social/economic issues, create radicalism, class conflict, extremism. I think that's a real risk in our society."

The problem with such uprisings, which violent global government elites like Brezinski are allowed to sieze upon the crisis to their advantage is that technological solutions involving the police and military are usually the systemic response. The more crisis occur, the more "threat" they can capitalize on and the bigger the bloated size of their government budgets and goons to police the poor become. Given that when the shit finally hits the fan, most people are going to get angry at scapegoats, i.e., whites will blame "blacks on welfare," blacks will blame whites, whites will be mad at hispanics, hispanics will resent whites, the mass of the people will unlikely go after the military, political, economic and global elites truly responsible for this entire mess.

This means that different segments of racial groups will be pitted against one another as they fend for themselves in a crisis resulting from anger over the economy collapsing.

Historian Alfred Mccoy reports that the government has already been preparing for such a situation and could possibly use divisions of the American military who occupied Iraq should public unrest arise.

"Indeed, in September 2008, the Army’s Northern Command announced that one of the Third Division’s brigades in Iraq would be reassigned as a Consequence Management Response Force (CMRF) inside the U.S. Its new mission: planning for moments when civilian authorities may need help with “civil unrest and crowd control.” According to Colonel Roger Cloutier, his unit’s civil-control equipment featured “a new modular package of non-lethal capabilities” designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals — including Taser guns, roadblocks, shields, batons, and beanbag bullets.

That same month, Army Chief of Staff General George Casey flew to Fort Stewart, Georgia, for the first full CMRF mission readiness exercise. There, he strode across a giant urban battle map filling a gymnasium floor like a conquering Gulliver looming over Lilliputian Americans. With 250 officers from all services participating.

Mccoy goes on to explain how the technology used in war abroad could come home to haunt Americans if they're not careful.

"after years of failing counterinsurgency efforts in the Middle East, the Pentagon began applying biometrics -- the science of identification via facial shape, fingerprints, and retinal or iris patterns -- to the pacification of Iraqi cities, as well as the use of electronic intercepts for instant intelligence and the split-second application of satellite imagery to aid an assassination campaign by drone aircraft that reaches from Africa to South Asia," Mccoy said.

"Washington could quickly fuse existing foreign and domestic surveillance techniques, as well as others now being developed on distant battlefields, to create an instant digital surveillance state," he added.

It remainst to be seen whether this will happen.

US troops on US streets?!- 1/2

US troops on US streets?!- 2/2

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