Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Wars are just a way to help corporations waste/induce obsolesence at a profit including with human lives. The electric car and curbside charging stations were in the works in the early 1900's but the cartels went with the internal combustion machine. Shortly after came the weaponization of the automobile in world war one and its associated dependency on petroleum that this entailed The leading cause of violence in a society is inequality and stratification. Keeps the cycle going, but at what cost to the planet and humans. Already the world is littered with landfills containing broken computers like the one's in your apartment, in addition to cellular phones. So what you may say? Your experience in your apartment right now is a direct product of the social relations. Plus, all of the mining for resources for the minerals to make the computers/cell phones--part of the reason why the U.S. is in Afghanistan. which I was just watching a moment ago said that the people who run society deliberately manufacture goods that don't last so they can continue the cyclicle production consumption employee emplyer social relations and maximize profit with the outcome being mass waste. The narrator said this contradicts the term "economy" because to economize means to be sustainable or conservative with the worlds resources and not harm the environment. They could make computers that don't break down but there is a conscious decision not to, just like with automobiles.The electric car and curbside charging stations were in the works in the early 1900's but the cartels went with the internal combustion machine.

(C) Bill Lewis

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