Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Jobs or Resignation--You Choose!

If people are looking for work unsuccessfully and cannot find jobs after years of repeated searches, while the government now ruthlessly slashes social services to continues giving corporations tax breaks and continue squandering money on imperial no win wars, then it doesn't make sense to continue the arduous process of looking for jobs without also questioning why they no longer seem to exist or are increasingly difficult to obtain.
Americans really need to go to the White House and demand that the jobs which were sent overseas be brought back immediately so that when they apply for work, they actually get it in a reasonable amount of time. If this cannot be achieved, then Americans need to demand the resignation of their representatives. Saying that people need to retrain when new employment is not being created is a bullshit lie. Billions of dollars are spent to manufacture predator reaper drones to assassanate people around the world without due process of law which violates the U.S. constitution and these crooks in the Congress turn a blind eye or openly advocate such global police state tactics. War stimulates the economy.
Most people are just looking to put a roof over their heads and this is seen to them as more of a threat than the possibility that someone might commit an act of "terrorism," defined by the United States government as acts of violence not committed by the Pentagon, the CIA, or private contractors such as Blackwater and Dyncorp, who have murdered thousands upon thousands of people in the Middle East just in recent years. The CIA and Military drone assassanation programs, where insulated military and intelligence personnel target "militants" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somolia from remote locations including within bases in the United States routinely kill innocent civilians because of faulty human intelligence and a general lack of concern for human life other than the lives of Americans. On average, 10-15 civilians are murdered for every so called "militant" fighter the Department of Defense and CIA assassanate, without due process, of course. This is terrorism and cannot be claimed as an accident since it occurs on a routine day-to-day basis and oftentimes kills anywhere from 18-40 people, including children, with one "accidental" strike.
Americans need jobs, not phony wars. Economic oppression and fear for their futures,is what really terrorizes Americans. Billions of dollars wasted on drones, bases, wars, bombs. There is no credible "enemy" for the United States. This is all about empire. The Soviet Union crashed in 1989, largely due to a CIA proxy war funded by the national security state that trained Jihadis in terrorism against the Soviet Union to induce a Soviet troop invasion. These same Jihadis from various Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries like Yemen, Azerbajan and Saudi Arabia, to name a few passed on their CIA training in everything from bicycle suicides, camel bombings and the use of RPG's (rocket propelled grenades) to a later generation of Jihadis which the U.S. now fights. The CIA and the Pakistani ISI trained various Mujahadeen fighters in the use of RPG's to target the tail of Soviet Helicopters during the Soviet Afghan conflict, which causes the helicopters to crash. This later came back to haunt the United States during its intervention in Somolia, when North African rebels used training provided to them by CIA trained Mujahadeen Jihadis to shoot down American helicopters (Black Hawk Down affair). After the U.S. invaded Iraq (but not before) similiar jihadist elements migrated to that country using the same techniques to shoot down helicopters. In this sense we can see how covert operations/wars of the past serve as backdrops for future imperial adventures and all of this revolves around the public not holding Congress accountable for reigning in the Pentagon and the CIA.
The jihadis that committed the World Trade Center bombing of 1993 were also Al Qaeda trained by the CIA. Anwar Al Awlaki the American born Yemeni (therefore an American citizen) whom the Obama administration wants to assassanate without due process due to alleged but not judicially proven connections to the Fort Hood Massacre and the 2010 Times Square bombing attempt actually dined at the Pentagon after 911. How could this happen if the government is really concerned about stopping the jihadis? It funds, trains and befriends them when it is convenient for Washington's interests.
the U.S. bombing of Libya--clearly an act of war and not a "kinetic action," as Obama alleges is killing innocent Libyan civilians while the U.S. simultaneously funds/arms the Libyan National Fighting group against Qaddafi. Libyan National fighting group contains Jihadist fighters connected to Al Qaeda, in stark hypocritical contrast to the Obama Administrations stance of opposing these similiar forces in Yemen(Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) and Pakistan. This on it's face makes the entire "war on terror," a superficial resource wasting artifically constructed conflict against a loose group of individuals who clearly have no capacity to overtake the United States in any way shape or form, a complete fantasy laden lie! This generation of children are being trained to push buttons to kill people and be soldiers in future phony wars. Stop the phony wars to make more and more money on rockets, bombs, planes, tanks and military bases bring the money home for jobs!

(C) Bill Lewis
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

Peter Dale Scott's Libyan Notebook

Al Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki Dined at the Pentagon After 9/11

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