Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Politicians Need Terrorism Like A Fish Needs Water

Politicians Need Terrorism Like A Fish Needs Water

Politicians need terrorism like a fish needs water!

"Terrorism?" That's the politicians bread and gravy right there. That's there their ticket out of the system, their career and their retirement. Every one of these planes, tanks, electronics and all of the spare parts. None of that stuff is built to last forever. Hell, bombs are the most efficient money maker I can think of! Instant destruction that has to be replaced, at the cost of human lives, of course.

All this shit is built to break down. The question for the politicians is how are you going to make it break down faster so you can justify getting more contracts to build more stuff so these companies can make even more money so they can help their lobbyist friends out in the corporations which in turn give poltiicans their lavish contributions. WAR! That's How! They'd better have something to justify that? That's called staying in business! That's called a paycheck, for the companies and the politicans, while Americans are sent abroad to kill civilians and die themselves.

Don't tell me Bush and Cheney didn't like 911. Never mind that Iraq had nothing to do with 911, or that 15 of the 19 Hijackers were Saudis, two from Yemen and two from United Arab Emirates. None in fact actual "Afghans" from "Afghanistan," yet Bush sent troops there who are killing Afghans and being killed themselves. Who cares, their all the same, Right? Look at how much power Bush, Cheney and now Obama got--power to go bomb countries and destroy everything in the country to help their friends out in Halliburton to go rebuild the country at a profit!

This company recieved cost plus contracts from the Pentagon, meaning they ran up the government's bill as high as possible with the most expensive services--having the truck drivers going to Iraq stay in palace-like hotels where they rented wave runners and having armor for soldiers negated while it was made sure that they had the most expensive bath towels!


Of course, the politicians and corporations always need some kind of evil or craziness to stoke the tribal fears of the public. Now that Bin Laden is dead, they come up with all kinds of animal-like monster under the bed ferry tale analogies like "we cut the head off the snake and three more snakes emerge" to justify they and their corporate crony friends continued sucking off of the public troph!

But did you know that Osama Bin Laden isn't even listed as a perpetrator for the 911 atrocities on the FBI's own most wanted poster? And that when investigative journalist Ed Haas probed the agencies' Chief of Investigative Publicity Rex Tomb on the matter, he replied that the agency had no "hard evidence" connecting Osama Bin Laden to 911. Funny that he was assassanated rather than given a trial huh?

Anyways, you can't have GI JOE without Cobra Commander. What would these politicans say to us if they didn't have drugs or crime or terror? What would they say? They'd have to say hi how are you, what would you like me to do for you. No! their always telling us what they are going to do with our money! Cameras everywhere--all down the highway! For what? To protect me? How about to watch me to make sure that if I'm doing something the government says I can't, I'll make the government money.

Politicians love taking our money! What did you do while you were in office Mr. Congressmen? Well, "I helped fight terrorism." Brilliant. That's nice. you mean you got all of the contracts for the military hardware in your distict--put your constituents to work and made your friends in the defense industry rich! That's called staying business! But how is the war economy working for those Americans who don't have jobs aren't and aren't skilled in making weapons?

Wars are just a way to help corporations waste/induce obsolesence at a profit including with human lives. And it causes massive debt, something we should be concerned about. People don't really have to starve and they don't really have to die! It's all a game. All the hungry people in the world right now? Nobody bothers to bring them any food or relief, but they can put satellites up in space. The entire debt structure is manufactured as well. It's just people on wall street trading derivitates and trading debt with each other. It's the game that they are playing that is creating artificial scarcities in the employment rates, the credit, the food, profiting/trading from the debts of individuals and nations.

With no terrorism there would be no military. With no crime, no police/prisons. The more inequality, the more stress on people, the more crime. Drug use as "crime" is a social construction. People who are poor do drugs and alcohol because they are stressed. Stress from feeling poor. This creates the need for more prisons. Crime creates jobs.If there was no crime there would be no police, no jobs for these people, so inequality leads to overrepresentation of police in society.

All of the mining for resources for the minerals to make the computers and cell phones is part of the reason why the U.S. is mining for lithium in Afghanistan. Since the greedy corporations who run society deliberately manufacture goods that don't last so they can continue the cyclicle production consumption employee employer social relations and maximize profit with the outcome being mass waste.

This contradicts the term "economy" because to economize means to be sustainable or conservative with the worlds resources and not harm the environment. They could make computers that don't break down but there is a conscious decision not to, just like with automobiles.The electric car and curbside charging stations were in the works in the early 1900's but the cartels went with the internal combustion machine.

Afghanistan is landlocked between Iraq, Iran, Turkmenistan and Pakistan.It's proximity in the oil-rich caspian basin sea area means that there is much strategic value for the U.S. Empire to run a pipleline running from the oil fields of Turkmenistan through Afghanistan and out Pakistani ports to the Indian Ocean. The military presence, not to mention the fact that the military and the destructive enterprise of war it conducts, runs on oil. Rather than fuel efficient cars and computers/phones that last forever, we get a permanent war against "terrorism", just what the politicians need to stay alive!

Declaring a war on things is a political control mechanism that creates big budgets. It concentrates power and diverts resources away from those in need and turns them into the public enemy. It all comes down to what the politicians want to do with our money, so they have to propagandize about threats that they have to declare war on to justify what they do with our money to help their friends out rather than help us out!

(C) Bill Lewis


FBI: Osama Bin Laden Not Wanted For 9/11 Terror Attacks

Afghan minerals: Uncovered conspiracy

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