Saturday, December 31, 2011


Turning radical dissidence into mainstream television watching as part of the mass communication system is highly suspect. Don't get me wrong, these authors information is both valued and valid and their arguments for a just social order sophisticated.Yet, these authors' documentaries are now reaching a belatedly awakened audience whose involvement in the protest is being harnessed for new global social ends as a global police state already exists. Interspersed between commercials as well as reality television style documentaries that mirror the kind of Iraq war television production skills achieved in the Bush years and featured in the documentary called Militainment, this channel serves as a recruiting program for passive controlled protest using group psyop techniques such as the people's mic as well as staged actors, events and being told to "sit down and know their place" by the group facilitators connrceted to NED, OTPOR CANVAS, CIA and the U.S. congress/state department as part of training people to submit to police state authority in major metropolitan areas. Contingency plans for protest, protest video training games, training people to be protesters in the same way the military is trained, featuring front PAGE psychological warfare TIME magazine cover story, "The year of the protester," all of this is falling in line with the plans of the global military/security state/global surveillance networks and the political and economic elite who control the world system and are planning the new international organization of humans. Protest now being the new mainstream, it will continue to function in symbiotic relationship with the war machine, mass surveillance and mass incarceration. Watching these authors on television and seeing reality MTV style protest shows with commercials for viagra and hershey's kisses may have the function of informing people, but the medium makes it passive, just as the protests are passive because they are led by the facilitators and are designed to herd individuals and prod them with violence to train them to the tightening noose of authority and its global drone program. Things have gotten so bad that controlled protest has become the new entertainment for an increasingly large sector of the public as well as participating in the controlled parades that are training people to fear police state authority. Lurking in the shadows are the new masters, the black helicopters and the new form of authority--the black suited/helmeted thug leaders with drones at their disposal. Just when the rulers appear to be losing control, they pounce with their new plan.
People in metropolitan areas who were formerly citizens of a constitutional republic should expect compulsory service including recycling, tree planting and other goodwill activities in groups that resemble DOC workers who perform slave labor at community colleges. They will be given enough food and shelter to survive and this will be on a card. They can have their families but only if they work for the state and only limited numbers of children. All of this enforced by black helicopter and drone jackbooted thugs at the end of a bayonet. Video screens galore as well so everyone can recite the chants of the leaders.

(C) Bill Lewis

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


With the Senate's passage of the National Defense Authorization act, the sixth amendment to the United States constitution has been withdrawn.
Under the new legislation, Congress declares the United States "Homeland" a domestic battle field in the "war on terror," and gives Obama full discretionary power to use the military to arrest Americans and remove their right to due process of law through indefinite military detention. Will U.S. citizens be swept up off of the street by secret commando units known as special operations forces in what has come to be known as the GWOT a.k.a., the global war on terror?
Will individuals who criticize the government for policies that include, torture, imperial aggressive war and domestic surveilliance of Americans be detained under the false pretense that they are dangerous threats to "national security?" Will land owners who seek to protect their properties from an ever increasingly encroaching federal government be targeted for refusing to relinquish their second amendment rights and possibly even assassinated via drone warfare by local police working with the military under a new dictatorship.
If you think this isn't possible, then just consider the fact that the United States government has already declared the right to assassinate Americans abroad and has done so on numerous occasions, the recent victim being a Yemeni American man who was accused by the Obama administration of involvement in various violent acts but was never given a trial before a court of law to prove before a jury of his peers evidence of the charges levied against him. In addition, this man's son, another U.S. citizen, was murdered with another drone strike by the Obama administration in Yemen in an effort to apply a corruption of blood doctrine to the assassination without trial tactic. As shown in the video below, individuals in North Dakota had a dispute with the local authorities regarding whether or not they had a legal obligation under state and local common laws to return cows that wandered onto their property from another individual's land and caused damage to their property. When police showed up without a warrant, the individuals met them at the property armed. The police then called in a military style U.S. customs enforcement drone and backed it up with S.W.A.T. teams to conduct overhead surveilliance against the landowners and arrested the individuals. This is clearly the first application we have seen of the domestic warfare in the "homeland" doctrine and this technique of overhead drone usage, coupled with paramilitary units hitting the ground running mirrors the drone/special operations tactic to enforce counterinsurgency policing/assassination in the tribal areas of the Af-Pak region. Should it be any surprise, then, to Americans that weaponization of these devices will soon follow and that anyone acting in the fashion that these landowners did over a simple dispute about cows on their property could be subject to military assassination by the Obama administration. Even further, think of the potential of disarming Americans by threatening them with death at the hands of a mini drone that could crash through their window assassinate them? Think it's not coming? Think again. According to Glen Greenwald's recent article at,AeroVironment, Inc. (AV), the nation’s leading manufacturer of small drones, used both for surveillance and attack purposes, is considering manufacturing mini drones for domestic "non-military" markets, a.k.a., the police, such as the "switch-blade," which has the ability to hunt the target and explode in his/her face.
"We have developed and are continuing to demonstrate a man-portable single use, tube launched loitering munition with the ability to destroy a stationary moving target with high precision and reduced 'collateral damage'[murder]through the detonation of an on board explosive. This system can be launched by a single individual from the ground or from land or sea vehicles and operated through the ground control system used with our other small UAS. Switchblade allows an operator to launch the loitering munition system rapidly, positively identify a threat and track the target using visual information transmitted from the aircraft's onboard sensor to the ground control unit, lock on to the target and then neutralize the target via the aircraft's integrated warhead."

AeroVironment, Inc. refers to this product as "the ultimate assassination bug." Get the picture yet? It's coming to police departments across America and it will be able to crash through your window. Office of the Director of National Intelligence Admiral Dennis Blair declared last year the Obama Administration's right to kill American citizens via drone assassination.

(C)Bill Lewis

Source:Glen Greenwald

Saturday, October 29, 2011


By William C. Lewis

A very dirty secret that perhaps is not so secret anymore for an ever increasing amount of the population is that war making is a very profitable enterprise for politicians and businessmen.

No matter how many years go buy and regardless of how many people begin to see the futility, destructiveness and utter pointlessness of war the United States government continues to roam the earth in search of new enemies or new causes where it must intervene on behalf of some perceived interest, most commonly called "national security interests."

The reality is that Americans have absolutely no interest at all in having their sons and daughters occupy the planet and that staying at war permanently in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Uganda is the means by which the U.S. government controls the American people by continuing to have them imagine that threats are out there to get them, when the real threat is from the United States government and the planned global system which plans to destroy the United States constitution and leave the people here with no rights while simultaneously building up the economy of China.
Soldiers who fought in the Iraq war should be very angry--especially if they are missing an arm, leg or other limb to find that many of the IED's (Improvised Explosive Devices) that maimed or killed themselves or their fellow soldiers actually came from a company in Minnesota called Digi International.
"The IED detonation parts for the IED's that are being used against our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan were made in a local Minnesota business," said Power Hour radio host Joyce Riley, who found out about this matter after reading a local CBS news report on Wednesday. "I am appalled and angered. When the first time in Iraq or Afghanistan and the IED's went off......I started to think, 'wait a minute, out in that sandbox, how are they making these complicated electrical devices that can detonate and kill and main our troops, how can this happen in the caves of Afghanistan or with only three hours of electricity, how can this happen? Whose making these items and selling them and creating the killing of the military?'"
According to the October 25 CBS news report, parts manufactured by Digi International "ended up in explosive devices that killed and maimed American and Coalition troops in Iraq and Afghanistan." Digi International claims that they were mislead into shipping their parts to companies and individuals who lied about what they were going to be used for.
But this isn't the first time American based companies have benefited from arms sales to whoever the designated "enemy" of the time happens to be.
During World War II American managers of both GM and Ford converted their German plants to military production while simultaneously refusing to step up production in their American factories at the request of the Roosevelt administration(Washington Post). General motors built a manufacturing plant near Berlin in 1935, producing the "blitz" truck. The German army used it in the invasions of Poland, France and the Soviet Union, known as "blitzkreig" attacks. G.M. was the second-largest producer of trucks for the German army after GM/Opel.
Commenting on the matter on his show last Thursday, Radio Liberty host and geopolitical analyst Dr. Stan Monteith wasn't the least bit surprised about the recent revelations that American companies sold weapons used to kill U.S. soldiers in war and said that many of the armaments manufactured by American companies were used to not only kill Russian, French and Polish soldiers, but Americans soldiers as well. He cites various books to back up his claims such as Charles's Higham's, "Trading with the Enemy," and Anthony Sutton's, "Wall Street and the Rise of Adolph Hitler."
"The roadside explosives set off by radio controls were built in Minnesota. The people in Minnesota said,'Oh shucks we had no idea we were building these explosive controlled devices. Why we would never do anything like that.' Ladies and gentlemen, we've always provided the weapons for our enemies. Who provided the weapons for Adolph Hitler during the second world war? Those who listen to my program regularly realize that they were built by American corporations even during the second world war when Americans were over there in charge of those factories. They were building the weapons, they killed our boys at Normandy and killed them at the battle of bulge. This is totally suppressed here in America," he said.

"It's so tragic when you think of all of the men who will bear the pain of their wounds for the rest of their lives and be crippled because of the explosive devices built right here in the United States. The terrorists over there are not sophisticated enough to build those weapons on their own," he said on the show.
"These improvised explosive devices, which are primarily responsible for blowing off so many of the arms and legs of our servicemen and that doesn't even count for all of the people who were killed by the explosive devices and they were not manufactured by the communists, they were not manufactured by the wicked Chinese. They were not manufactured in Iraq or Afghanistan or Pakistan, they were manufactured in Minnesota. Who has been funding the terrorism, where are they getting their money? They've been getting it from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan and both of them are in bed with the CIA," he added.

"The American government's important ally in the region is Saudi Arabia, the main source of radical Islam and funder of jihadism. It's the same with UK," says MIT linguistics professor and political analyst Noam Chomsky.
For those who do not wish to believe Dr. Monteith and Noam Chomsky's claims about Saudi Arabia and Pakistan funding the Taliban, these assertions are easily backed up by multiple sources and the fact that many people still are not making these crucial connections can only be explained by their inability to even pay attention to mainstream news sources. The Saudis are U.S. allies who receive billions of dollars of aid each year to buy American weapons and Pakistan, whose ISI funds the Taliban in Afghanistan, also receives billions of dollars of aid from the United States government each year.
According a memorandum written by power elite globalist and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and obtained by Wikileaks, the Saudi Arabian government refuses to crack down on individuals and is "reluctant to cut off money being sent to the Taliban in Afghanistan,"(CBS NEWS). According to a Sunday, July 25 2010 Reuters report, "U.S. officials in Afghanistan strongly suspected Pakistan was secretly supporting the Taliban while taking massive amounts of American aid, military reports leaked on Sunday show, raising new questions about President Barack Obama's war strategy."

The report cites Wikileaks documents that "suggest that Pakistan, an ostensible ally of the United States, allows representatives of its spy service to meet directly with the Taliban in secret strategy sessions to organize networks of militant groups that fight against American soldiers in Afghanistan, and even hatch plots to assassinate Afghan leaders."

According to a London Guardian article based upon the Wikileaks documents that uncovered the Afghan war logs, "US military intelligence reports accuse Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) spy agency of arming, training and financing the Taliban insurgency since 2004.............bringing fresh scrutiny on one of the war's most contentious issues."

The article goes on to state that 180 files in the war logs contained assertions that the Pakistani ISI's undercover agents did the following:

1.Trained suicide bombers,
2.Sent money to insurgents across the border
3.Provided secret assistants for plot to assassinate Afghan President Hamid
4.Provided assistance to figure out how to attack Nato warplanes
5.Suggested that the insurgents poison western troops' beer supply."

Total aid spending for this fiscal year for Pakistan is expected to total around $2.5 billion, according to the United States Congress. Why do we openly fund a government, whose intelligence service trains suicide bombers to attack U.S. soldiers occupying Afghanistan, with military aid, economic aid, development aid?

If the American government and American arms companies who sell weapons to the Saudi government really care about U.S. soldiers currently in Afghanistan, then why do they continue to fund the Saudi government, maintain full diplomatic relations and sell its government the weapons when it has been fully disclosed that this government "harbors" individuals funding Taliban/Al Qaeda and doesn't desire to cut the funding from these individuals off? Further, through host nation trucking contracts, the U.S. government actually indirectly funds the Taliban as these companies pay off the Taliban to escort convey supply missions so they are not attacked by other insurgents. So, yes, the Taliban, which kills, and yes, blows the legs off of U.S. soldiers in an effort to fight the U.S. occupation, is funded by our tax dollars to restrain onslaughts against supply convoys so that this phony war can continue to be fought in other areas of the country. There are six major companies that handle logistics-including, food, munitions and water to United States military in Afghanistan, many of which are run by Afghans themselves.
According to U.S. military officials in Kabul, 10 percent of the Pentagon's logistics contracts consists of payments to insurgents, amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in payments to fund insurgent operations against the U.S. Powerful politicians and businessmen don't really care if they fund a government or sell a government weapons that, in turn, refuses to cut off funding to groups that blow the legs off of U.S. soldiers with improvised explosive devices that came from the Minnesota based firm, Digi International. In other words, they care about money and power and to hell with the soldiers. It was former Secretary of State under Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, who said that U.S. soldiers were in his words,'dumb, stupid animals to be used' as pawns for foreign policy." The masters of the war machine only care about weapons sales, natural resources control and social control of the world, and could care less about the average person.

(C)William C. Lewis

Ford and GM Scrutinized for Alleged Nazi Collaboration
Local Company Had Parts In IED’s That Killed Troops
U.S. Links Pakistani Aid to Performance
Saudi's Fund Taliban:
How the US Funds the Taliban,2
Pakistan secretly backed Taliban: Wikileaks
Afghanistan war logs: Clandestine aid for Taliban bears Pakistan's fingerprints

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The World to Come
By William Lewis
Welcome to the USS of A, where you are free to die and starve on the streets and if you decide to protest the fact that jobs are increasingly unavailable and that the government wages an endless slough of imperial wars than you can be assaulted by riot squads equipped with the latest technology of militarized repression.
That's what happened to 24-year-old Scott Olsen who was smashed in the head with a bean-bag projectile by the Oakland Police department during a demonstration held in front of Oakland City Hall on Tuesday as part of nationwide protests against greed and corruption, a.k.a., Occupy Wall Street.

The situation in America is seriously getting worse as most Americans protesting the excesses of the corporate system realize that their peaceful gatherings and appeals to the powers that be for fairness and equality are no match for the domestic national security state of which local law enforcement--unfortunately, has now become structurally integrated into as part of a planned, global New World Order.
Veterans who were deceived by the Bush Administration into fighting unjust wars abroad in Iraq and Afghanistan are now brutally stomped upon by the domestic militarized national security structure that the wars they fought in helped to solidify.While it is still debated whether the City of Oakland deployed the (LRAD)Long Range Acoustical Devices against the Oakland protesters on Tuesday when Olsen was smashed in the head, acting Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan admitted in a meeting with local reporters Wednesday that the department does possess this technology.
Long Range Acoustical Devices are deployed at most protests where high profile political, economic and military elites of the world meet to construct their nefarious global policies against the rest of the people inhabiting the planet, such as the G20 in Pittsburgh in 2009. G20 is also known as the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (G-20, G20, Group of Twenty). It is "a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 major economies: 19 countries plus the European Union, which is represented by the President of the European Council and by the European Central Bank," according to Wikipedia.
This phenomenon of plain uniformed policemen such as we see at the Occupy Wall Street protests at Zucotti Park in New York suddenly morphing into the gas masked riot squads utilizing LRAD at the G-20 is the NEW WORLD ORDER dynamic which renders our acts of non-violent protest in this country "ritualistic" protest. The globalized power structure allows the protests to reach a certain crescendo and then the riot squads, gas masks and tear gas suddenly emanate to descend upon the people legitimately expressing their grievances according to the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Why police at the G20 dressed up in riot gear to smash U.S. citizens using the constitution to protest the foreign globalists making policies to destroy the American economy is a question that can be answered by acknowledging the fact that we are living in a global NEW WORLD ORDER and increasingly a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT.
LRAD systems were tested at Camp Bucca Iraq and are being tested in regions of Baghdad, Fallujah, along with other regions of Iraq. LRAD systems can broadcast in any language, allowing security forces to clearly communicate directions and instructions in any geographical area.

Surely this is now a factual reality not missed by Shawn Olsen, courageous as he was, or the rest of the Occupy Oakland protesters who now see that they are responded to with overwhelming force of what amount to war brigades for merely peacefully assembling past a "curfew" artificially set by the City of Oakland, which very well could deploy LRAD within the next few days to limit our constitutionally protected right to free speech and assembly. I thought that curfews, military checkpoints, and the like were reserved for garrison states with no true constitutional freedoms--Central American dictatorships/banana republics for example. But restrictive measures of the state against citizens is not only occurring in Oakland but Tennessee as well where highway patrol, national guard and Department of Homeland Security Transportation Security Administration routinely stop European/Caucasian truck drivers looking for Al Qaeda and terrorist in every trailer and under every cab that crosses the highway.

Clearly this is military psychological warfare of the New World order against the public and the same is occurring at football stadiums for those who still wish to attend as they are physically groped by Transportation Security Administration agents. One of the defining characteristics of the American Constitutional system is freedom of travel according to former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura.
"We seem to be a country that doesn't want to heed the warning that Ben Franklin gave us and Ben Franklin said that for those that want to give up their liberty for a little security in the end you'll have neither. I wish that we would wake up to that fact, we'll have neither in the end. Liberty is security," Ventura said.
If that's not enough, then consider the fact that under the FCC, Homeland Security FEMA and the FCC on Nov.9, all civilian communications will be taken over by the federal government at 2 p.m. to conduct an "emergency test," to psychologically ready the American people to the manufactured political, social and economic disaster that is to come. Many in the Occupy Wall Street movement have already been subjected to Martial Law police state tactics as riot squads roust them out of their tents for doing nothing more than peacefully assembling to petition their government for a redress of grievances. As the world economy collapses due to the financial crisis in Europe, the religious, political and economic heads of the world will coalesce to bring about a new world system as evidenced by the Vatican's call for a new financial order. At the helm of this will be a global dictator who can utilize all of the technology of the American military previously used against Iraqis and Afghans in previous theaters of American imperialism. The United States has 750 military bases in over 130 countries and continues to use Bagram Airbase and Guantanamo as global torture centers where victims are forced to wear masks in cells all day without due process of law or habeus corpus and are watched overhead by guards who can dump hot water on them in the summer and cold water in the winter.

When this is not occurring, extreme repression units who do not look unlike the squads who smashed Olsen's head on Tuesday beat detainees under the liberal regime of Barack Obama. Under world government, courts have no redress and their is no checks and balances against the unitary dictator who can assassinate whomever in the world, which is why the state secrets privelage is invoked by the Obama administration when a former detainee detainee wants to sue the U.S. government for torture. It is also why those detainees demanding Habeus Corpus--literally, "free the body" if charges are not levied against them, is routinely denied by BHO--a protege of GWB. By maintaining this structure of unitary global dictatorship, the Pope's new economic order, proposed on Monday, can be fully established after the Eurozone collapses and destroys the U.S. economy.
THE Vatican has called for a radical reform of the world’s financial system, including the creation of a global political authority to manage the economy.
According to the Vatican's own documents, the aim is for a new world economic order based on "ethics and the search for the common good," suggesting that the "reform process begin with the United Nations as its point of reference."
Under this system all religions will be united into one religion--the One World Government. One world dictator Obama has already dispatched troops to Uganda without congressional authorization and is running a proxy war in Somalia, backing AMISOM forces with our own special forces as well as drone strikes that are murdering civilians. He allowed jihadist al-queda connected fighters fighting within the Libyan National Fighting group, who formerly engaged U.S> military in Iraq and Afghanistan, to take over the city of Tripoli, including the head of the Tripoli military council, Abdelhakim Belhadj, who was a former detainee designated as a "terrorist," by the crony Bush Administration at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Now that the hard-core muslims are in power in Libya, they are demanding "sharia law," not Democracy, as Obama states. In addition, NATO destroyed civilian homes and tribal areas in the town of Sirte,where Libya's largest tribe is located in addition to bombing government buildings, schools and residential areas,all to control Gaddafi's oil, natural gas and water as well as to prevent the Libyan leader from demanding that the west pay for his oil in a gold-backed currency known as the Dinar. The New World Order Global system wants to smash any sovereign nation that has its own currency backed by gold, which is why the American Empire beast system that creates dollars out of absolutely nothing and prints more money just to further its global stretch smashes any competitors who seek to exist outside of the new WORLD WIDE PRISON NEW WORLD ORDER.

The beast system of the American Empire is going to wage a global war with CHINA which already has a Communist Police State and the state of siege mentality created by this chaotic global disaster will serve to strip Americans of the rest of their constitutional rights.
Out of the chaos will come the global dictatorship or the global dictatorship will or already is being established and will come into place as a way to say that global war and destruction, was only averted by his beneficence and the signs, miracles and wonders that he/she wages. America has 60 robot drone bases located around the world under the command of BHO who now has declared the right to assassinate Americans.
All new phones are manufactured with microchips to display the emergency messages of F.E.M.A. and your street lights as well as college campus lights, equipped with video cameras will soon contain digital signs to tell you where to round up in the event of the "emergency" where you could possibly receive some kind of implantable identification device, a retinal scan or a thumb scan as we devolve into a cashless society, BEWARE!, because the leaders of the world conspiracy already have tunnels built under our cities. Many colleges already operate off of a system known as E2 campus, whereby students receive emergency messages from campus security, and this form of government communication alert system has already been tested in many states, including Wash. state. The only possible way that we can save ourselves at this point from this madness is a return to the United States Constitution, not any world economic program proposed by Popes, dictators, military, political, economic elites or group facilitators. Occupy Wall Street, for all of the courage of anti-war protesters at the demonstrations who have performed such remarkable feats as running through drone museums and getting arrested, is in many cases being controlled by the dialectical dialogue to consensus mind control process. Facilitators are entering the meetings and making the group participants chant slogans in unison after the oratory of one or another leader, many of whom are infiltrators from our government. This is dangerous as their naivety could lead them right into the hands of plans our government has on the books for rounding up Americans such as Continuity of Government, Rex 84, or Operation Garden Plot, which, in turn, could play into the Popes plan for a global economic, religious, military, financial and political order should various natural disasters, wars, economic collapses and civil unrest coalesce to force the people to demand his New World Order or give the government/corporate military complex the rational to imprison and biometrically record every man, woman and child in F.E.MA. camps, sports stadiums, malls and shopping centers.

People need to make specific demands and try the war criminals Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Obama according to violation of the laws of the land of the U.S. Constitution for breaking torture statutes, the Geneva Conventions(A ratified law-of-the-land treaty)as well as targeting non-combatants with drones/helicopters/planes in Iraq and Afghanistan. If this is not done, the imperial presidency/national security state military industrial complex mass consumer society will bring us to an inevitable fate--the NEW WORLD ORDER.

(C) Bill Lewis

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Are We Already In A World Government?

In a recent news summary commenting on a possible double dip reccession, a commentator on CNN stated that while China is the leading economic power of the world that the United States--the leading military power, is still relied upon for "world leadership" in this global economic crisis.

Every since the housing market crash of 2008--caused by the credit bubble resulting from living as an "empire of consumption," a unipolar world system dominated politically and economically by the United States has now given way to a set of nations interconnected through mass dissemination of English language and western corporate consumer culture, a process known as "globalization," with the U.S. in debt to the IMF/World bank and having its military garrison the world, but no longer dominating the globe financially. This was part of a deliberate plan over the decades to deindustrialize the U.S. manufacturing base in favor of building up Asia as the production center of the world.

With the military hub of world policing on one side of the globe and the new economic powerhouse of manufacturing on the other, we truly now live in a one world government system of corporate power enforcing a producer consumer relationship between the U.S., which polices the worlds second and third largest reserve oil resources in Iraq and Afghanistan, and China, which produces virtually all goods for the U.S. market.

Investigator and filmmaker Bob Fletcher says that this division of the world into specific interelated functions was planned years ago to undermine the soveriegnty of America.

"The corrupt people in government sat down years ago and said we have to take the two or three wealthiest nations of the world and bring them down to their knees to where they are all mutually requiring each other to exist. It used to be that years ago the United States was the world center for being not just the manufacturing but also for being able to provide services so we could be technically independent at any time if we needed to,"Fletcher said."Once you break the world down to one area of the world like Africa being the suppliers of the raw materials and countries like China being the manufacturer of most goods for the world and then someplace else in the world like the United States possibly being a servicing nation, then you have total financial interdependence on each other."

"The goal is to bring economic interdependence where the United States or any single country in the world isn't able to stand on its own. What they've slowly accomplished is that they have allowed the Chinese to be the manufacturers for everything. We don't make anything. This is a necessary step to bring along a singular world government, a body, maybe a body under the United Nations or at least under the general concepts of the United Nations where it would be a handful of people at the top," Fletcher added.

"It would be sort of a bureaucratic sort of a parliamentary quasi democracy only mixed where the real democracy would be gone, it would be synthetic and there would be a handful people in a parliamentary structure that own and control every single thing."

Radio Liberty host, physician and long time world geopolitical analyst Dr. Stan Monteith believes that the global drive among U.S. leaders to dominate the world militarily since World War II has been anything but "national" in its motives. Rather, hollowing out the domestic economy while placing our troops all across the globe and within the 50 United States is really part of bringing humanity under one single regime, he says.

"The reason you have this all powerful military is certainly not to protect us from other nations. It is to establish our world empire. America has an empire and that's so our military can be used right here in the United States," Monteith said. "We have a North American Command, we have a South American Command, we have an African Command and Asian Command, but why do we have a North American Command? Because we have our military stationed here to control our population. Our founding fathers didn't want a standing army because they knew it could be used against the people. They didn't want a standing army for the United States. Yes, you could have a framework for military officers, but they didn't want a standing army."

With the United States now the leading torturer in the world, holding hundreds of detainees without due process of law in Guantanamo, Bagram Air Base, Iraq and Somalia, and several U.S. citizens who have been held incommunicado and tortured for years before finally getting a sham trial such as Jose Padilla, John Walker Lind and now Bradley Manning, is it any wonder that Obama's national intelligence director, Adm. Dennis C. Blair, has now declared the right to kill American citizens anywhere in the world deemed a threat? Under Global government, civil and constitutional rights are redefined and this was the true reason for the U.S. moving from the "prisoner of war" definition of holding detainees under the Geneva Conventions to the "enemy combatant" designation under the Bush administration, which allowed violence against those held in U.S. custody to reach any point short of "organ failure" to occur without being called "torture," in other words, death.

The Obama Administration actually has a "kill list," that includes Anwar Al Awlaki, a U.S. born Yemeni, accused of but not judicially guilty of connections to the Fort Hood Massacre and the 2010 Times Square bombing. Having the U.S. government, the example to the rest of the world, placing American citizens of any kind on a kill list, especially when the U.S. military reach into the planet is global is surely an indication of the motives of global international government/financial world rulers to implement a world wide plan in utilizing police and military anywhere, including America, to assassanate/execute individuals deemed enemies to corporate/government power without due process of law. What's more, Awlaki actually dined at the Pentagon after 911 so what kind of Americans, specifically, could this law really be applied to? Could it be white Americans, Black Americans, Mexican Americans?

Fletcher's research shows the startling implications of the U.S. military's new drone warfare technology which would use biometric face scan technology to seek out enemies within the world population. With new statements by our government leaders declaring the right to kill Americans as well as a 12 member council of governors appointed by Obama to replace our 50 governors under FEMA in a declared "national emergency," where up to 20,000 troops would be deployed in the U.S. should national rebellion arise, one can anticipate the startling implications in terms of Constitutional rights for Americans. It is also disturbing since there is now a world wide race to purchase drones among 50 nations of the world, including China, Isreal, Germany, China, Russia and Iran and local police departments in the U.S. are getting Homeland Security grants for these machines for surveilliance use in law enforcement.

"The expansion of the technology and the capability of robotic weapons has grown and grown and grown in rapid increments where some of these were just ideas a few years ago and now they're in full production and being used in a whole variety of forms in several ares of combat around the world. The scary thing is that this is almost a science fiction space story type thing--that is that they're moving forward to utilize and increase the capability of these remote control robots to share information, knowledge, directional information between each other and they've reached a point where they have these very small micro type flying robots that are called swarms where they actually can use five, ten or 15,000 at a time and they actually can take off and carry out a mission which can either be intelligence tracking and camera work to transmit micro camera images back wherever they want to but they actually share information between each other and they don't even have to have a complete designation of where they're going to go, they actually figure this out themselves with limited intelligence knowledge put into these machines," Fletcher said.

"The machine then shares its experiences and then they can actually end up--if there's five of them, they actually select the leader themselves and then the leader will go through the doorway first, the other four will line up behind the leading robot and follow it in and then analyze the terrain and carry out whatever it's supposed to carry out. This is the kind of thing that we sat and watched on Twilight Zone years and years ago--this is now a complete reality and the frightening thing is that now they have capabilities to decide themselves, the robots, what they're going to kill, blow up, shoot up or explode or what they will not. They actually have the capability to make those decisions themselves in the air without necessarily having to have an individual direct them and they can do it with the new facial identification that we've heard so much about now. They can program a person's face--the enemy, whoever that might be, into the computers, send out the drone robot, fly over an area, scan 30 to 45 people, find the person they need and then drop a bomb right into his lap and doing it without individual instruction by someone back at home base."

"Of course war is not extremally moral to begin with, but if you start where we are allocating the decision to kill in a non human, non feeling, emotionless machines, that's really reaching a scary point and time. We are there."

Imagine a future television scenario where Americans who are deemed a "threat" to the global government either for being anti-war, pro-labor, pro-environment, constitutionalist, or just poor people looking for food are hunted down for points by a hybrid military/police global force that uses drones to assassanate on American soil.

The FAA has already indicated it will enter negotiations with our government to lower the height limit that police department drones can fly when surveilling urban U.S. neighborhoods.

Journalist Allen Nairn agrees with my conclusions and thinks that this frightening scenario of drones from other nations targeting Americans is a real possibility if America doesn't stop its war/threat ideology and become a peaceful nation.

"The U.S. defines who the adversaries is. The default U.S. position is to kill the adversary. When you kill the adversary, you kill 10 civilians. What are the survivors, the loved ones of those civilians, supposed to do, when the international legal system is rigged so that there is no peaceful redress, so they have no place to go? It’s unjustified. It’s terrorism by the U.S. law’s own definition.

But it’s also ominous for Americans, especially ominous in a historical moment where the U.S. is losing its edge. Right now it still has the massive military advantage, but how long is that going to last? Other countries have more people to field as troops. Other countries can manufacture weapons more cheaply. The U.S. still has the edge in military technology, but in today’s information age, that can’t last very long. So, if the appeal to decency can’t wake up Americans and make them say stop, maybe the appeal to self-interest and fear can do it.

Imagine a moment not too far in the future — some of the technical magazines just started writing about this — where foreign countries would have the capacity to put drones in the skies over New York, over San Diego, over Alabama, over Chicago. How would Americans feel about that, when the discretion on whether to push the button on the missile and launch it at anyone — at anyone in the U.S. — a member of Congress, a member of the President’s staff, a GI, someone walking down the street — when that discretion lies with someone in some foreign capital, some commander? And imagine how Americans would feel if those overseas controllers of the drones flying in the skies over the U.S. decided to apply American standards; if they decided to apply the Brookings standard that says, OK, if we target one American military planner and we kill 10 civilians, that’s OK; if they decide to apply General Hayden’s standard that, well, it’s our default position to kill these adversaries; and if they decide to apply the U.S. State Department standard, which says no matter what we do, we can’t be prosecuted. That’s the situation that the U.S. is setting up. And it’s going to be increasingly dangerous for Americans as time goes by."
(C) Bill Lewis

Global race on to match U.S. drone capabiliti​es

Drone surveillance in the US? Alex Jones says 'the whole world is in danger'

Allan Nairn: As U.S. Loses Its Economic Edge, Its "One Clear Competitive Advantage is in Killing"



Jobs or Resignation--You Choose!

If people are looking for work unsuccessfully and cannot find jobs after years of repeated searches, while the government now ruthlessly slashes social services to continues giving corporations tax breaks and continue squandering money on imperial no win wars, then it doesn't make sense to continue the arduous process of looking for jobs without also questioning why they no longer seem to exist or are increasingly difficult to obtain.
Americans really need to go to the White House and demand that the jobs which were sent overseas be brought back immediately so that when they apply for work, they actually get it in a reasonable amount of time. If this cannot be achieved, then Americans need to demand the resignation of their representatives. Saying that people need to retrain when new employment is not being created is a bullshit lie. Billions of dollars are spent to manufacture predator reaper drones to assassanate people around the world without due process of law which violates the U.S. constitution and these crooks in the Congress turn a blind eye or openly advocate such global police state tactics. War stimulates the economy.
Most people are just looking to put a roof over their heads and this is seen to them as more of a threat than the possibility that someone might commit an act of "terrorism," defined by the United States government as acts of violence not committed by the Pentagon, the CIA, or private contractors such as Blackwater and Dyncorp, who have murdered thousands upon thousands of people in the Middle East just in recent years. The CIA and Military drone assassanation programs, where insulated military and intelligence personnel target "militants" in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Somolia from remote locations including within bases in the United States routinely kill innocent civilians because of faulty human intelligence and a general lack of concern for human life other than the lives of Americans. On average, 10-15 civilians are murdered for every so called "militant" fighter the Department of Defense and CIA assassanate, without due process, of course. This is terrorism and cannot be claimed as an accident since it occurs on a routine day-to-day basis and oftentimes kills anywhere from 18-40 people, including children, with one "accidental" strike.
Americans need jobs, not phony wars. Economic oppression and fear for their futures,is what really terrorizes Americans. Billions of dollars wasted on drones, bases, wars, bombs. There is no credible "enemy" for the United States. This is all about empire. The Soviet Union crashed in 1989, largely due to a CIA proxy war funded by the national security state that trained Jihadis in terrorism against the Soviet Union to induce a Soviet troop invasion. These same Jihadis from various Central Asian and Middle Eastern countries like Yemen, Azerbajan and Saudi Arabia, to name a few passed on their CIA training in everything from bicycle suicides, camel bombings and the use of RPG's (rocket propelled grenades) to a later generation of Jihadis which the U.S. now fights. The CIA and the Pakistani ISI trained various Mujahadeen fighters in the use of RPG's to target the tail of Soviet Helicopters during the Soviet Afghan conflict, which causes the helicopters to crash. This later came back to haunt the United States during its intervention in Somolia, when North African rebels used training provided to them by CIA trained Mujahadeen Jihadis to shoot down American helicopters (Black Hawk Down affair). After the U.S. invaded Iraq (but not before) similiar jihadist elements migrated to that country using the same techniques to shoot down helicopters. In this sense we can see how covert operations/wars of the past serve as backdrops for future imperial adventures and all of this revolves around the public not holding Congress accountable for reigning in the Pentagon and the CIA.
The jihadis that committed the World Trade Center bombing of 1993 were also Al Qaeda trained by the CIA. Anwar Al Awlaki the American born Yemeni (therefore an American citizen) whom the Obama administration wants to assassanate without due process due to alleged but not judicially proven connections to the Fort Hood Massacre and the 2010 Times Square bombing attempt actually dined at the Pentagon after 911. How could this happen if the government is really concerned about stopping the jihadis? It funds, trains and befriends them when it is convenient for Washington's interests.
the U.S. bombing of Libya--clearly an act of war and not a "kinetic action," as Obama alleges is killing innocent Libyan civilians while the U.S. simultaneously funds/arms the Libyan National Fighting group against Qaddafi. Libyan National fighting group contains Jihadist fighters connected to Al Qaeda, in stark hypocritical contrast to the Obama Administrations stance of opposing these similiar forces in Yemen(Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) and Pakistan. This on it's face makes the entire "war on terror," a superficial resource wasting artifically constructed conflict against a loose group of individuals who clearly have no capacity to overtake the United States in any way shape or form, a complete fantasy laden lie! This generation of children are being trained to push buttons to kill people and be soldiers in future phony wars. Stop the phony wars to make more and more money on rockets, bombs, planes, tanks and military bases bring the money home for jobs!

(C) Bill Lewis
Who are the Libyan Freedom Fighters and Their Patrons?

Peter Dale Scott's Libyan Notebook

Al Qaeda's Anwar Al-Awlaki Dined at the Pentagon After 9/11


With no end in sight to the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and covert wars involving special operations military occurring in Yemen, Pakistan, Somolia, along with a protracted bombing campaign in Libya, Americans must ask themselves where is the funding for the domestic economy?

The military industrial complex--that combination of congressmen, big businessmen in the defense industry and the Pentagon, has usurped the Constitution of the United States. At the command of President Obama Congress appropriates $700 million dollars on the joint U.S. Nato operation in Libya even though the legislature was not even so much as consulted before the Pentagon committed resources to this intervention, a violation of the Declaration of War, Article I section 8 of the U.S. constitution. As the Libyan intervention has far exceeded 90 days, Obama is also violating the War Powers Act of 1973, a law written by Congress to limit presidential war-making proclivities after the disasterous American occupation of Vietnam.

If that's not enough, the U.S. bombing of Libya--clearly an act of war and not a "kinetic action," as Obama alleges is killing innocent Libyan civilians while the U.S. simultaneously funds/arms the Libyan National Fighting group against Qaddafi. Libyan National fighting group contains Jihadist fighters connected to Al Qaeda, in stark hypocritical contrast to the Obama Administrations stance of opposing these similiar forces in Yemen(Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula) and Pakistan. This on it's face makes the entire "war on terror," a superficial resource wasting artifically constructed conflict against a loose group of individuals who clearly have no capacity to overtake the United States in any way shape or form, a complete fantasy laden lie!

Turning to other areas of the world, the bungled U.S. occupation in Afghanistan seems that it will continue indefinitely as the Pentagon states that it plans to still have 70,000 military occupying this country in 2014. What is the objective of this occupation anyways? Is it to give them a stable government? According to Peter Dale Scott's book American War Machine, during the 2010 U.S. military campaigns in population areas dominated by the Pashtun Persian ethnic group, such as Khandahar and Helmand Province, the Americans worked with the Afghan National Army to suppress Pashtun Taliban strongholds, yet there is an overepresentation of Tajiks from Tajikistan in the Afghan National Army. The Tajiks speak Dari, a form of Persian unintelligible to the Pashtun majority in these areas. So how is a stable government to come about when Tajiks, let alone Americans don't even speak the language of the natives they allege to be helping, but are really killing with disproporationate use of fire power every day? Four of the senior members presiding over the rampantly corrupt Afghan government are involved in the heroin trade. The recently assassanated brother of President Hamid Karzai,Walid Karzai, was a CIA asset who trained paramilitaries for the U.S. in Kandahar while simultaneously profiting off of collecting bridge tolls from the lucrative heroin trade that funds the Taliban at war with U.S. soldiers.

According to Leon Pannetta, there are fewer than 100 members of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan anyways, so what is the purpose of staying in Afghanistan? Every night raid on homes or drone strike in which U.S. forces indiscriminately kill innocent civilians and then pay a cash compensation to the families of the slain serves to fuel the anger of the population, who resent being occupied, and as a consequence of this, side with the Taliban against the United States. What amount of cash can replace a lost human being?

Michael Hudson, president of the Institute for the Study of Long-Term Economic Trends says that ever since the Vietnam war, military spending has played a huge role in deindustrializing the American economy. This is due to the simple fact that spending money abroad destroying other people's lives and infrastructure and attempting to rebuild what the American government/and private corporate contractors want these countries to have is a scheme to make big business construction firms and weapons companies connected to corrupt politicans rich. This explains the big money involved not only in weapons production and rebuilding destroyed infrastructure, but also military base construction for foriegn occupations. Over 700 military bases varying in different sizes and built by private firms exist in Afghanistan alone.

"If you have a Pentagon contract—a Pentagon contract is cost-plus. The higher they[arms/defense companies] spend on airplanes, on armaments, the more money they get. So you have them engineering not to cut costs, but to maximize costs, because that’s how they make their profit," says Hudson. "So you have a warping of American engineering, American technology, towards the military, and that’s why the industrial core has been shifting to Asia, because they don’t have this military. The economy is being sacrificed to the military. And that’s somehow evaded discussion here."

A failed campaign of brutal occupation that killed three million Vietnamese and 58,000 Americans took enormous resources out of the U.S. economy that could have been spent creating productive government funded employment in the areas of construction, manufacturing and related industries in the U.S. Vietnam was only the start, as interventions in Panama, Iraq 1990 (Bush Sr.) Afghanistan, 2001, Iraq II, 2003, Af/Pak, Libya/Somalia II (Obama 2009-Present) Kosovo, Bosnia, Somalia,(Clinton)have all provided the impetus for increased weapons production, which stimulates the economy at the expense of human lives, and in turn caused successive U.S. presidents throughout all of these years of intervention, to desire to use more surplus weapons and the power of the imperial presidency to start new wars. In addition, after the Kosovo and Iraq interventions, the Pentagon spent billions of tax payer dollars to build sprawling city-like military base communities replete with all of the amenities of a major urban city such as Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo and Balad Air Base in Iraq while the subject group of the U.S. bombing campaigns were in many cases left without electricity or running water.

In 1961, U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people about the perils of what he coined "the military industrial complex" and how it took money away from services such as schools, hospitals and productive employment for Americans at home by squandering the money away on useless wars abroad.

"And we’re spending twice as much on the military as we did when Eisenhower gave that speech. So, we’ve got a huge imbalance in our budget," adds William Hartung, director of the Arms and Security Project at the Center for International Policy.

"You can’t really defend your country if people are sick, people aren’t healthy, people aren’t educated. So it’s kind of undermining the roots of the ability to defend the country, going forward, to throw money at weapons makers, to throw money at this huge military base infrastructure that isn’t needed for defense proper of the country. So, it’s completely out of balance, and we’re going to pay a price for that if we don’t turn that around."





(C)Bill Lewis

Sources: Peter Dale Scott, American War Machine

Chalmers Johnson: The Sorrows of Empire: Militarism Secrecy and the End of the Republic

After Months of Partisan Wrangling, Wall Street & Pentagon Emerge Victorious on Debt Deal

The Need For Strong Left Wing Political Parties

The world is literally a raving mad mess. Human needs are increasingly not being satisfied for increasing numbers within the global population. Increasingly corrupt nations cannot provide jobs for their populations and cannot escape debt from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank. People around the world--and in the United States, many of whom lack true knowledge of the cause of their plight are angry. They subconsciously feel so outraged from the injustice committed against them by global political and economic elites that most people's animosity is in latent form, but could go off given the right combination of events.

Linguist/political analyst Noam Chomsky says that in the United States in particular, he is troubled by the fact that the population is angry but, unlike the years during the Great Depression, when radical left parties such as the Communist Party USA, the Wobblies (International Workers of the World) and other progressive parties formed unemployed councils, the current U.S. population--for the most part, isn't seeking out positive solutions such as organizing for jobs and justice. Rather, they are falling under the influence of right-wing groups who don't believe that any public programs within the domestic society are beneficial to human needs or the political system in general.

"What they're hearing is that every institution is rotten," Chomsky said. "That's what they're hearing from the Tea Party Movement.The government isn't doing anything for us, corporations don't, the parties aren't doing anything for us. Antagonism towards the Republican party is even higher than towards the democrats. Congress should be thrown out and started over again. They have resentment against professions, they don't believe scientists, everything isn't working."

"They're not hearing anything constructive and the trouble is they're not hearing anything constructive from anyone else. The democrats are not telling them, 'look, we understand you're problem and it's because of the financialization of the economy which we supported'--they're not going to tell them that. The Tea Party message against power and institutions, that's about the only message they're hearing," he added.

According to Chomsky, the Tea Party supporters who have fallen victim to housing market crisis induced forclosures, declining services and unemployment caused by globalization have legitimate grievances against the economic system that everyone concerned with the political direction of the nation should take seriously. The real dillemma is that unlike during the depression era of last century, no real radical left-wing social movmement exists to counter the Tea Party and respond to what amounts to "cry's for help" among its supporters within the populace.

"These people shouldn't be ridiculed," Chomsky said. "They should be organized and be the kind of people who in the 1930's reacted in a very constructive way and compelled the government to institute the New Deal measures which were not superb but they did save the country from a very serious crisis. This was a hopeful period. You didn't have this sense of the kind of despair that you see now. The kind of anger. You may have found it somewhere but among the urban working class--a large part of the population, my impression was that there was hopefulness that we can do something," Chomsky said.

"The CIO was organizing there was the labor movement. The labor movement is more than just, let's have jobs. It's an educational process. My unemployed seamstress aunts got a week in the country from the union. Social circles, educational circles, workers education. There was a remarkably high cultural level but also a sense that there's something we can do. It's going to get better. Now there's a sense of real despair and anger and that nothing is going to work and no hope for the future. We just have to get rid of everything but not replace it by anything."

While disagreeing with their sense of hoplessness for the future, Chomsky, a radical activist for social justice and human rights since the 1960's clearly identifies with the sense of injustice that these people feel due to the loss of America's manufacturing base over the last several decades. Manufacturing, it should be noted, is a major stimulator of the economy when it is strong.

"Manufacturing, which is really the core of an economy is just collapsing. I mean manufacturing--unemployment in manufacturing is at depression levels. There isn't much prospect of those jobs coming back. These people see that there is tremendous wealth in the country but very highly concentrated. Inequality in the country has soared maybe to the highest level ever," Chomsky said.

"For about 30 years they have seen their incomes pretty much stagnate--working hours going way up, far behind Europe, above Europe, benefits which were always weak here are declining. They just went through a shattering catastrophe with the housing bubble burst which for many of them was most of their assets and unemployment is way up," he added.

Noam Chomsky on U.S. Rage & Ruin 2/4


The fat cat crooksters on wall street would have us think that all of the money for society is virtually gone and that we might as well roll over, die and allow corporations to privatize our social security safety net.
Nothing--indeed could be further from the truth. These cats are rolling in dough and are smoking up our dollar bills like a wet cigarrete. Now let me tell you something you probably haven't heard because it wasn't always this way.
In the 1940's the federal government got 50 percent more money year after year from corporations than it did from individuals. For every dollar that individuals paid in income tax, corporations paid $1.50, but now every dollar that individuals pay to the federal government, corporations pay 25 cents.
After the Great Depression and World War II, the people in the top income tax bracket during the 1950's and the 1960's paid 91 cents for every dollar they earned above $100,000 to the federal government, but now they pay 35 percent for every such earned dollar.
The debt limit is something that's been raised decade after decade. Deficits are nothing new as historian William Blum writes in his August Anti-Empire report.
"The most prosperous period in American history occurred in the decades following the Second World War — from 1946 to 1973. And guess what? We had a budget deficit in the large majority of those years. Clearly such a deficit was not an impediment to growth and increasing prosperity in the United States — a prosperity much more widely shared than it is now," Blum said.
"Yet we're often fed the idea of the sanctity of a balanced budget. This and other "crises" are typically overblown for political reasons; the current "crisis" about the debt ceiling for example."
The U.S. became a debtor nation for the first time in 1914, when the United States owed more money to foreigners than it was owed. In other words, this so called "debt crisis" is nothing but pure manufactured hoax.
Richard Wolff, a visiting professor at New School University said on this Thursday's Democracy Now that the reason so much debt has accrued to the bankers in the first place is that the plutocratic American government won't tax these filthy rich cats whose feast on the lucrative profits, free of taxation, doesn't give them any incentive to put Americans to work, which would provide a strong taxable labor force. This is because they currently do not deem it in their economic interests to do so.
"The government spends more than it takes in, because it’s not taxing them. And here comes the punchline. It then turns around to the people it didn’t tax—corporations and the rich—and borrows the money from them, paying them interest and paying them back," Wolff said. "It maybe a bit of a shock to folks who don’t follow this, what the corporations are doing when they hold back the money because it’s not profitable for them to hire—is that they lend it to the United States government to fund these deficits. The United States government refuses to tax corporations and the rich. It then runs a deficit."
"If the government really wanted to do something, you wouldn’t have a national debt. We’re running a deficit because the people who run this society would like us to deal with our economic problems, not by taxing those who have money, the way we used to, but instead by endlessly borrowing from them. And now the ultimate irony, we’ve borrowed so much as a nation from the rich and the corporations, they now are not so sure they want to continue to lend to us, because we’re so deeply in debt," he added. "They want us instead to go stick it to poor people and sick people instead. It’s an extraordinary moment in our history as a nation."
Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under the Reagan Administration Paul Craig Roberts speculates that the current "political theater" occuring between Congress and Obama might really be a Wall Street Obama Republican conspiracy to privatize social security, a.k.a., turn this beneficial social program into a for-profit system.
"If the drama continues to the absolute deadline without a deal, Obama, who perhaps favors cutting the safety net as much as do the Republicans, would have to accept the Republican package in order that the troops are not cut off from supplies, Social Security checks can continue to go out, and the dollar be saved. Having opposed the Republicans to the last minute, Obama can say that he had no other recourse," Roberts said.
This would indeed be horiffic with the exception of the soldiers being cut off of supplies, which would no longer allow them to wage brutality in foriegn lands. By feigning the crash of the dollar and the possibility of seniors not getting their checks, the President could very easily ram through the Republican right-wing agenda that so bountifully melts his butter.
As long as the United States appropriates more money to launch foreign wars of occupation across the globe than it spends on domestic job creation and refuses to reign in the fatties that enslave the people to the powerful rich, we'll remain lingering in the ashtray of despondency like so many wet ciggarettes.

Richard Wolff: Debt Debate is "Political Theater"

Where are you America?

With a 14.3 trillion dollar debt and America now involved in seven wars--including full-scale occupations or covert campaigns in North Africa/ The Middle East, hundreds of military bases stretched across the world and no end to peace in sight, I ask the question, is America up shit creek without a paddle.

I think so. What better way to destroy a country and it's currency than to continue borrowing money to mire it's military down and destroy our national currency through a series of protracted, unwinnable quagmire wars where the population hates the occupier. And think about it, who would want someone else occupying them? The British and the Soviet Union have already failed in what is known as "the graveyard of empires." There are hundreds of thousands of troops in Afghanistan, but only 50 known members of Al Qaeda according to the CIA's own director, Leon Pannetta. That leaves about 100 soldiers for every one member so called member. Fictitious enemy anyone? Some Americans are starting to wake up to this reality and are figuring out that war is a scheme to make the weapons companies rich, but it is a weak inertia, unlikely to catalyze into any social force significant enough to stop the madness.

Just the other day, the Obama administration backed a bipartisan Senate budget plan to cut tax breaks such as write off deductions for home mortgage interest and employee health insurance. These cuts--however, would be used to lower top individual and corporate tax rates from 35 ro 29 percent. The plan would also "overhaul of Social Security and Medicare." If passed, the bill would save $500 billion dollars and generate over $1 Trillion in revenue.

No cuts are being implemented in the military budget for wars or to reduce the U.S. foriegn presence around the world. Former presidential candidate Ralph Nader, who most Americans didn't vote for, and whom many progressive liberals shunned in favor of Obama during the 2008 elections said about our current costly global foriegn committments,

"Get out of Afghanistan, Pakistan, stop being engaged in these criminal wars of aggression, and get out of Iraq, you’ll save another $150 billion. So, there are a lot of ways. Cutting the huge amount of redundancy and waste and out-of-date weapons programs in the Pentagon, again, another one. Bringing back the soldiers from Europe and East Asia, 65 years after World War II. What are they doing? Defending prosperous countries, like England and Germany and Italy and Japan, against what? Inner Mongolia or Moldova?"

According to recent news reports, China already concedes that the U.S. is defaulting on its loans. A new phenomenon is occuring where wealthy businessmen from China and other parts of Asia are already buying up property in the United States.

Millions of Americans are jobless through no fault of their own. In addition, approximately 46 million Americans are now on food stamps. Could food stamps and social security be next on the chopping block as we head into yet another decade long succession of imperialist wars that eventually morph into land invasions in Somalia, Libya, Yemen and Pakistan?

What most people don't realize is that in addition to our foriegn troop presence in Afghanistan/Iraq--which entails hundreds of permanent military bases to gaurd the oil for the multinational corporations and future war usage, the special operations(JSOC)troops are already conducting night raids and killing civilians in Yemen and Pakistan to supplement the deadly drone assassanation program.

All of this money is, of course, being sucked out of the domestic economy while American workers desperately need jobs, the funds for which are sent to the imperial standing armies now occupying the Middle East, North Africa and 75 addition countries where special operations assassanation teams are located.

Former National Security Advisor Zbegnew Brzenzski acknowledged on MSNBC a few weeks back that the potential consequences of a failing economy could ignite a sense of fury in an increasingly marginalized public who feels abandoned by the politicians and the society at large.

"If America were really expanding economically--becoming more productive, more wealthy, more innovative, that kind of disparity would become more or less pallatable," Brezenski said. "But when you have stagnation and have a rather severe case of unemployment, the sense of social injustice can be terribly demoralizing and politically in the long run very dangerous. It can politicize social/economic issues, create radicalism, class conflict, extremism. I think that's a real risk in our society."

The problem with such uprisings, which violent global government elites like Brezinski are allowed to sieze upon the crisis to their advantage is that technological solutions involving the police and military are usually the systemic response. The more crisis occur, the more "threat" they can capitalize on and the bigger the bloated size of their government budgets and goons to police the poor become. Given that when the shit finally hits the fan, most people are going to get angry at scapegoats, i.e., whites will blame "blacks on welfare," blacks will blame whites, whites will be mad at hispanics, hispanics will resent whites, the mass of the people will unlikely go after the military, political, economic and global elites truly responsible for this entire mess.

This means that different segments of racial groups will be pitted against one another as they fend for themselves in a crisis resulting from anger over the economy collapsing.

Historian Alfred Mccoy reports that the government has already been preparing for such a situation and could possibly use divisions of the American military who occupied Iraq should public unrest arise.

"Indeed, in September 2008, the Army’s Northern Command announced that one of the Third Division’s brigades in Iraq would be reassigned as a Consequence Management Response Force (CMRF) inside the U.S. Its new mission: planning for moments when civilian authorities may need help with “civil unrest and crowd control.” According to Colonel Roger Cloutier, his unit’s civil-control equipment featured “a new modular package of non-lethal capabilities” designed to subdue unruly or dangerous individuals — including Taser guns, roadblocks, shields, batons, and beanbag bullets.

That same month, Army Chief of Staff General George Casey flew to Fort Stewart, Georgia, for the first full CMRF mission readiness exercise. There, he strode across a giant urban battle map filling a gymnasium floor like a conquering Gulliver looming over Lilliputian Americans. With 250 officers from all services participating.

Mccoy goes on to explain how the technology used in war abroad could come home to haunt Americans if they're not careful.

"after years of failing counterinsurgency efforts in the Middle East, the Pentagon began applying biometrics -- the science of identification via facial shape, fingerprints, and retinal or iris patterns -- to the pacification of Iraqi cities, as well as the use of electronic intercepts for instant intelligence and the split-second application of satellite imagery to aid an assassination campaign by drone aircraft that reaches from Africa to South Asia," Mccoy said.

"Washington could quickly fuse existing foreign and domestic surveillance techniques, as well as others now being developed on distant battlefields, to create an instant digital surveillance state," he added.

It remainst to be seen whether this will happen.

US troops on US streets?!- 1/2

US troops on US streets?!- 2/2