Tuesday, December 13, 2011


With the Senate's passage of the National Defense Authorization act, the sixth amendment to the United States constitution has been withdrawn.
Under the new legislation, Congress declares the United States "Homeland" a domestic battle field in the "war on terror," and gives Obama full discretionary power to use the military to arrest Americans and remove their right to due process of law through indefinite military detention. Will U.S. citizens be swept up off of the street by secret commando units known as special operations forces in what has come to be known as the GWOT a.k.a., the global war on terror?
Will individuals who criticize the government for policies that include, torture, imperial aggressive war and domestic surveilliance of Americans be detained under the false pretense that they are dangerous threats to "national security?" Will land owners who seek to protect their properties from an ever increasingly encroaching federal government be targeted for refusing to relinquish their second amendment rights and possibly even assassinated via drone warfare by local police working with the military under a new dictatorship.
If you think this isn't possible, then just consider the fact that the United States government has already declared the right to assassinate Americans abroad and has done so on numerous occasions, the recent victim being a Yemeni American man who was accused by the Obama administration of involvement in various violent acts but was never given a trial before a court of law to prove before a jury of his peers evidence of the charges levied against him. In addition, this man's son, another U.S. citizen, was murdered with another drone strike by the Obama administration in Yemen in an effort to apply a corruption of blood doctrine to the assassination without trial tactic. As shown in the video below, individuals in North Dakota had a dispute with the local authorities regarding whether or not they had a legal obligation under state and local common laws to return cows that wandered onto their property from another individual's land and caused damage to their property. When police showed up without a warrant, the individuals met them at the property armed. The police then called in a military style U.S. customs enforcement drone and backed it up with S.W.A.T. teams to conduct overhead surveilliance against the landowners and arrested the individuals. This is clearly the first application we have seen of the domestic warfare in the "homeland" doctrine and this technique of overhead drone usage, coupled with paramilitary units hitting the ground running mirrors the drone/special operations tactic to enforce counterinsurgency policing/assassination in the tribal areas of the Af-Pak region. Should it be any surprise, then, to Americans that weaponization of these devices will soon follow and that anyone acting in the fashion that these landowners did over a simple dispute about cows on their property could be subject to military assassination by the Obama administration. Even further, think of the potential of disarming Americans by threatening them with death at the hands of a mini drone that could crash through their window assassinate them? Think it's not coming? Think again. According to Glen Greenwald's recent article at salon.com,AeroVironment, Inc. (AV), the nation’s leading manufacturer of small drones, used both for surveillance and attack purposes, is considering manufacturing mini drones for domestic "non-military" markets, a.k.a., the police, such as the "switch-blade," which has the ability to hunt the target and explode in his/her face.
"We have developed and are continuing to demonstrate a man-portable single use, tube launched loitering munition with the ability to destroy a stationary moving target with high precision and reduced 'collateral damage'[murder]through the detonation of an on board explosive. This system can be launched by a single individual from the ground or from land or sea vehicles and operated through the ground control system used with our other small UAS. Switchblade allows an operator to launch the loitering munition system rapidly, positively identify a threat and track the target using visual information transmitted from the aircraft's onboard sensor to the ground control unit, lock on to the target and then neutralize the target via the aircraft's integrated warhead."

AeroVironment, Inc. refers to this product as "the ultimate assassination bug." Get the picture yet? It's coming to police departments across America and it will be able to crash through your window. Office of the Director of National Intelligence Admiral Dennis Blair declared last year the Obama Administration's right to kill American citizens via drone assassination.

(C)Bill Lewis

Source:Glen Greenwald

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