Saturday, December 31, 2011


Turning radical dissidence into mainstream television watching as part of the mass communication system is highly suspect. Don't get me wrong, these authors information is both valued and valid and their arguments for a just social order sophisticated.Yet, these authors' documentaries are now reaching a belatedly awakened audience whose involvement in the protest is being harnessed for new global social ends as a global police state already exists. Interspersed between commercials as well as reality television style documentaries that mirror the kind of Iraq war television production skills achieved in the Bush years and featured in the documentary called Militainment, this channel serves as a recruiting program for passive controlled protest using group psyop techniques such as the people's mic as well as staged actors, events and being told to "sit down and know their place" by the group facilitators connrceted to NED, OTPOR CANVAS, CIA and the U.S. congress/state department as part of training people to submit to police state authority in major metropolitan areas. Contingency plans for protest, protest video training games, training people to be protesters in the same way the military is trained, featuring front PAGE psychological warfare TIME magazine cover story, "The year of the protester," all of this is falling in line with the plans of the global military/security state/global surveillance networks and the political and economic elite who control the world system and are planning the new international organization of humans. Protest now being the new mainstream, it will continue to function in symbiotic relationship with the war machine, mass surveillance and mass incarceration. Watching these authors on television and seeing reality MTV style protest shows with commercials for viagra and hershey's kisses may have the function of informing people, but the medium makes it passive, just as the protests are passive because they are led by the facilitators and are designed to herd individuals and prod them with violence to train them to the tightening noose of authority and its global drone program. Things have gotten so bad that controlled protest has become the new entertainment for an increasingly large sector of the public as well as participating in the controlled parades that are training people to fear police state authority. Lurking in the shadows are the new masters, the black helicopters and the new form of authority--the black suited/helmeted thug leaders with drones at their disposal. Just when the rulers appear to be losing control, they pounce with their new plan.
People in metropolitan areas who were formerly citizens of a constitutional republic should expect compulsory service including recycling, tree planting and other goodwill activities in groups that resemble DOC workers who perform slave labor at community colleges. They will be given enough food and shelter to survive and this will be on a card. They can have their families but only if they work for the state and only limited numbers of children. All of this enforced by black helicopter and drone jackbooted thugs at the end of a bayonet. Video screens galore as well so everyone can recite the chants of the leaders.

(C) Bill Lewis

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