Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kennedy fired Dulles over the Bay of Pigs operation— an operation deliberately designed to fail and engineered to pressure Kennedy into full scale war with Cuba. Dulles deliberately used CIA officers for the operation of the lowest third of the agency that did not even speak Spanish. The CIA officers had Arabic and German experience and went to Guatemala to train the Brigaidistas and Miami to train the Cuban exiles. Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles designed the Bay of Pigs to fail in collusion with Chief of Naval Operations Arleigh Burke and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff Lyman Lemnitzer to push JFK into sending soldiers to invade Cuba and to back the rebels with U.S. bombing, in other words start a U.S. invasion of Cuba. In an act of insubordination to civilian control of the military, Leimetzer sent two battalions of soldiers on Navy destroyers off the coast of Cuba waiting to invade without first consulting Kennedy. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco was over, Kennedy fired Dulles and after releasing Dulles from his position, the CIA Director retired to his private mansion/layer estate where various of his former colleague spooks were seen coming and going in late 1961 after he was no longer with the company. President Lyndon Johnson, who, in service of the war masters, escalated the Vietnam war after getting Congress to pass the Tonkin Gulf Resolution in response to the deliberately staged Tonkin Gulf Incident, assigned Allen Dulles to investigate Kennedy’s death and propound the lone gunman theory as part of the Warren Commission Investigation. Kennedy didn’t want to send 60,000 soldiers to Laos to block the Ho Chi Minh trail since he received estimates that doing so wouldn’t make any difference in the fighting ability of the North Vietnamese or the National Liberation Front. CIA-backed General Phoumi Nosavan brought opium in from Burma and Kennedy’s cutting off of aid to the Royal Laotian government to bring Boun Oum and Nosavan into the coalition government and negotiating with neutralists and communists brought on the anger of the Joint Chiefs who wanted escalated war and the CIA wanted continued access to the opium trade. When Kennedy cut off aid, the Boun Oum Royal Laotian government and General Phoumi and the CIA relied even more on this illicit drug trade to finance their government. General Phoumi Nosavan was involved in the illicit opium trade of the Golden Triangle, so he wanted war since more war meant more covert operations and more covert operations lead to an increase in opium cultivation, so through sending in invading soldiers, this gave the CIA and General Phoumi Nosavan a guaranteed market for their opium through selling the drug to the troops. Kennedy believed that the CIA deliberately designed the Bay of Pigs to fail to lead the executive into further invading Cuba using invading soldiers and accelerated bombing of Cuba. Kennedy didn’t want to make a move in Laos which was so far if they didn’t make a move against Cuba, which was 90 miles away. CIA Director John McCone was against the Laos negotiations. The CIA deliberately tried to provoke Kennedy into invading Laos through building up General Phoumi Nosavan’s forces at the northwest provincial capital of Laos, Nam Tha. Kennedy advised eight weeks before that building these forces up would invite a Pathet Lao attack and the Phoumi wouldn’t have the ability to supply his soldiers in the rainy season. The CIA wanted the Pathet Lao attack on the concentration of Phoumi’s troops because this provided the rational for the U.S. invasion of Laos that Kennedy didn’t want. Kennedy expelled CIA agent John Hasey from Laos. The CIA through promoting the concentration of General Phoumi’s forces in Nam Tha to invite an attack wanted the destruction of the army it created to pressure Kennedy into invading Laos. This was a deliberate invitation of a Pathet Lao attack and CIA agents and State Department agents were against Kennedy’s attempted formation of a coalition government featuring rightists, neutralists and communists. (C) William C. Lewis

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Public Accepts Assassination

With recent disclosures that the Obama Administration personally operates a secret murder list that includes seventeen-year-old children in the Middle-East, it should be clear that America is moving into a new phase of transfer of power to the Executive branch, unheard of in this nation's history. A recent ruling by a judge that Obama doesn't have the right to indefinitely detain American citizens without a trial shouldn't really be cause for celebration, since Attorney General Eric Holder already argued at Yale Law school that President Obama has the right to assassinate Americans without a trial. When Congress followed up on this horrific declaration in a hearing on counter-terrorism with FBI Director Robert Mueller on whether these Executive Assassination powers applied to U.S. citizens domestically, Mueller replied that he'd "have to check." Obama takes and wants personal responsibility for all of his murders and loves it to be this way. This was also the case with Adolph Hitler, whom Germany invested all of their trust in. Of course, any leader whose acts are criminal demands "personal responsibility" for their acts so that the nation--as a collective, absolves themselves of responsibility for the actions carried out in their name. In a free nation such as the United States, where citizens are more free than most other nations of the world, the fact that virtually no public outcry among the vast majority of Americans over the executive's self-proclaimed right to assassinate them is deeply troubling. Perhaps those who are even informed about this proclamation figure that if they aren't doing anything wrong, then they have nothing to hide. However, in a Constitutional Republic, the burden of proof rests upon the government, through due process of law and evidence of the charges made against the accused, before the state revokes "life, liberty, or property." Surely, the evisceration of the Magna Carta of 1215 upon which the sixth amendment gauranteeing these rights is based, under the guise of protecting the population from "terrorism," will cause Americans to lose all three. The indoctrination of the public into the idea that wanton murder of this U.S. administration of both Americans and foreigners based upon a slight suspicion of wrong doing that the executive imagines--without the benefit of an investigation or examination by the prosecution in a court of law is preposterous.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Cost of Imperial War

Bent on controlling the world without letting up, the United States empire seeks to control the natural resources of the world and no amount of human suffering will stop the maniacal leaders who are in power in the White House. Drones patrol the skies in various cities across America as souped up police departments get ready with anticipation for the go ahead to add rubber bullet or tear gas projectile rounds to their newly federally funded government tools of oppression. Meanwhile soldiers with blown off legs who are on their seventh or eighth tour to Afghanistan are recycled into an unjust occupation of brutality with their new prosthetic limbs. Joint Special operations command, known for its murder of civilians in night-raids carried out in conjunction with the Pakistani military in Pakistan and the Afghan National Army in Afghanistan, is a subunit of U.S. Special Operations Command. Special Operations Command personnel have grown from 37,000 in the 1990's to 60,000 soldiers One third of these are "career members," according to journalist Nick Turse. The rest have other military occupational specialties but are sent through the command on a routine intermittent basis. Increasing in it's budget from $2.3 billion to $6.3 billion since the blowback event that occurred on 911, and adding in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it has actually more than quadrupled to $9.8 billion in these years--a tremendous waste of taxpayer money on a ruthless special operations murder machine. The U.S. military and the C.I.A., have murdered thousands of people with drones in Pakistan and has recently stepped up such reckless attacks in Yemen, including the use of "signature strikes," where the individual whose movements are watched by satellite from an airbase in the United States do not even have to be identified before being ruthlessly assassinated by murder squads who kill from a distance and deny their victims a trial as they wield power over a strangers life. With cowardice they hide, thousands of miles away from the occupation and bomb a country that lacks air power of any kind. The idea that the wars are "winding down," as many claim is patently false. Special operations units are deployed in 70 nations throughout the world and the United States doesn't ever fully leave Middle Eastern nations which it occupies as evidenced by the continued occupation of Iraq with private military contractors, special operations forces, overhead drones and the Vatican Sized State Department embassy. Rather than being sent home, movements of soldiers are typically shifted to other bases in the region such as Qatar, Kuwait, Oman to prepare for yet another war on a small, third-world nation, such as Iran, or to bases strategically located near a world power nation such as China. The recent move to send thousands of marines to bases in Australia is an example of such attempts to revive artificially constructed cold war hostilities through the U.S. Empire's declaration that it is "pivoting" to the Pacific, or becoming a "Pacific Power." It's time that the 911 imperial mindset of rationalized murder be exposed for what it truly is--an excuse to take innocent civilian life so as to augment arms industry sales and stimulate massive arms production into congressional districts across the United States. The hijackers who struck the twin towers on 911, 15 of which were Saudis, two Yemeni and two United Arab Emirate citizens, are clearly not the same individuals as the women and children who the U.S. military/CIA and NATO slaughters day-to-day with drone strikes in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and Afghanistan. This warped state of false consciousness, in which innocent civilians are murdered by aircraft without even a hint of the subject being guilty of any crime, is what Glen Greenwald calls "the authoritarian mind." Recent indications that most Americans have no idea why the Afghan war is even being fought include the committal of green on blue violence in which Afghans who are trained by the U.S. military kill the officers that train them by shooting them in the head when nobody is looking. This is clear evidence of where this ugly and brutal occupation of Afghanistan is going and taking the American people down with it. (C) Bill Lewis

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Agression Nation

The United States murders people in foreign lands on a routine basis. There is no limit to the slaughter that the imperial United States wages against other nations for natural resources. Despite the ideas of freedom and democracy, the reality is that the American government denies rights guaranteed in the Magna Carta and the United States Bill of Rights to other citizens of the world. Recently, CIA Director Gen. Patraeus said that he wants to murder anyone in Yemen who his intelligence agencies determine are engaging in terrorism, even if their identity is not known. The military as an institutions promote mass slaughter as a means to terrorize the subject population. An individual who is not tried for a crime or even allowed to know the charges made against himself is assassinated without due process. What did the country of Yemen do to deserve this? There are over 60 drone bases from which military personnel throughout the world murder people via drones without granting these individuals a trial for any crime. Attacking countries without a declaration of war under Article I Section 8 of the constitution from various air-conditioned drone facilities facilitates a distanced, anesthetized war where the leaders of the National Security State can dominate a country under the threat of airstrikes without committing combat troops and therefore minimizing the scrutiny of the American public. The public does not see the routine death of innocent civilians on their television screens and most Americans are not aware of what websites to frequent to become informed about these crimes. Behind the slaughter of innocent civilians masked as a "war on terror" that occurs when the U.S. military or CIA uses drone strikes to attack another nation, the real reason for the aggression is desire for strategic control of Middle East oil. Oil is a resource that the military needs to wage future wars and is integral to the operation of tanks, planes, drones, trucks and military bases. Anywhere that the United States continues to wage its unconstitutionally declared Global War on Terror, there also happens to be oil in the various nations it invades. The United States is a police state. Secret police are now going to listen to everyone on buses and they are also going to use their intimidation tactics against any journalist leaving the country. The government is at war in Uganda, Afghanistan, maintains drones and special operations forces, along with private contractors in Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia and Pakistan. The United States wants permanent war in all of these countries to continue spending massive amounts of American tax dollars on weapons systems.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Phony Atrocious Wars

A secret U.S. document now shows that the Taliban is set to retake complete control of Afghanistan after the U.S. military leaves the country. This war is not only an atrocity against the Afghan people, it is also phony because we have been funding Hamed Karzi's brother as a CIA contact while he trains/wherhouses Khandahar strike force, and simultaneously, the U.S. allowed him to profit from the heroin trade. Through the collection of road tolls in the opium transport, this activity funded the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Will this failed/phony atrocity war end that takes toll on civilian life and allows special operations forces to murder innocent people because the U.S. financially cannot afford to be there anymore, or will the U.S. withdrawal regular troops and leave the special ops there to continue these atrocities which they also commit worldwide in 75 countries. Will the U.S. not attack Iran because of financial considerations? Is the current marshaling of sea war paraphanilllia just for the U.S. to try to maintain an image or do they eventually plan to attack Iran in a final quest for world domination?

(C)Bill Lewis

Taliban 'poised to retake Afghanistan' after NATO pullout, leaked U.S. report claims

Saturday, December 31, 2011


Turning radical dissidence into mainstream television watching as part of the mass communication system is highly suspect. Don't get me wrong, these authors information is both valued and valid and their arguments for a just social order sophisticated.Yet, these authors' documentaries are now reaching a belatedly awakened audience whose involvement in the protest is being harnessed for new global social ends as a global police state already exists. Interspersed between commercials as well as reality television style documentaries that mirror the kind of Iraq war television production skills achieved in the Bush years and featured in the documentary called Militainment, this channel serves as a recruiting program for passive controlled protest using group psyop techniques such as the people's mic as well as staged actors, events and being told to "sit down and know their place" by the group facilitators connrceted to NED, OTPOR CANVAS, CIA and the U.S. congress/state department as part of training people to submit to police state authority in major metropolitan areas. Contingency plans for protest, protest video training games, training people to be protesters in the same way the military is trained, featuring front PAGE psychological warfare TIME magazine cover story, "The year of the protester," all of this is falling in line with the plans of the global military/security state/global surveillance networks and the political and economic elite who control the world system and are planning the new international organization of humans. Protest now being the new mainstream, it will continue to function in symbiotic relationship with the war machine, mass surveillance and mass incarceration. Watching these authors on television and seeing reality MTV style protest shows with commercials for viagra and hershey's kisses may have the function of informing people, but the medium makes it passive, just as the protests are passive because they are led by the facilitators and are designed to herd individuals and prod them with violence to train them to the tightening noose of authority and its global drone program. Things have gotten so bad that controlled protest has become the new entertainment for an increasingly large sector of the public as well as participating in the controlled parades that are training people to fear police state authority. Lurking in the shadows are the new masters, the black helicopters and the new form of authority--the black suited/helmeted thug leaders with drones at their disposal. Just when the rulers appear to be losing control, they pounce with their new plan.
People in metropolitan areas who were formerly citizens of a constitutional republic should expect compulsory service including recycling, tree planting and other goodwill activities in groups that resemble DOC workers who perform slave labor at community colleges. They will be given enough food and shelter to survive and this will be on a card. They can have their families but only if they work for the state and only limited numbers of children. All of this enforced by black helicopter and drone jackbooted thugs at the end of a bayonet. Video screens galore as well so everyone can recite the chants of the leaders.

(C) Bill Lewis